Massage Chairs


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Massage Chairs Offer Relief from Obesity Related Back Pain

According to the American Obesity Society 64.5 percent of Americans over twenty years old are overweight and 30.5 percent are obese. These figures represent the growing epidemic of obesity in the United States which is costing billions of dollars in additional health care expenses. Each year, increasing numbers Americans are finding themselves classified as clinically obese and are suffering from one or more of over thirty obesity related diseases. Premier Massage Chairs .org offers natural solutions for a variety of obesity related health problems.

The most serious obesity related health complications are coronary heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Another, less discussed obesity related health complication, is back pain. Increased occurrence of back pain in obese people is caused by the added strain on the spine from excess body weight. The body is designed to function under healthy weight conditions combined with regular exercise. Obesity however creates stressful conditions that the spine is unable to adapt too. Added weight causes the spine to increase its natural curve causing the pelvis to tip forward. This compensation decreases the structural stability of the spine causing overall back health to decline.

Some of the more common obesity related spinal problems are osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoporosis decreases bone density, increasing the likelihood of painful and disabling fractures. The risk of osteoporosis is increased with lack of exercise and a poor diet. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are caused by unnatural pressure placed on the joints from excess body weight. Massage chairs are an excellent means for relieving this pressure and improving over all back health

The most effective way to help relieve obesity related back problems is to lose weight. Even loosing just ten or fifteen pounds can greatly improve spinal health. Massage therapy is another useful way to reduce back pain. Massage stimulates blood circulation, increasing the flow of healing nutrients to the joints and muscles, as well as helping the body flush pain causing lactic acids and other toxins from sore muscles.

Electric massage chairs are an affordable way to receive the pain relieving benefits of massage therapy. Visit the Premier Massage Chairs website to see our full line of shiatsu massage chairs Premier Health Products produces the highest quality massage chairs on the market including the most advanced chair to date, the PHP-2026 Premier Massage Chairs also offers the NASA engineered Premier Health Products PHP-2022 Zero Gravity Massage Chair This chair is designed to evenly distribute the bodys weight for reduced spine pressure and better circulation. Both of these chairs deliver professional quality massages for under a dollar per use and are an excellent way to relieve back pain caused by obesity.

For more information please contact us at 1-800-608-5488/

Distributors of the highest quality massage chairs on the market.


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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

E.ScottThe growing massage chair health trend.

How many of you have noticed the growing trend in malls, airports, train stations, department and specialty stores and maybe even your best friends home of the Massage Chair? They seem to be everywhere now days and are almost always in use. People of all ages are feeding the plush vending chair dollar bills like a pleasure giving video game.

This new health trend is sweeping Japan, Europe and has now infiltrated the U.S. with dozens of models and price ranges from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. A recent LA Times article describes them as not your fathers La-z-boy and that, is an understatement for sure.

Websites like are popping up all over the internet touting massage strength, air compression, rolling, kneading, tapping and shiatsu style massage.

If any of you have had a shiatsu style massage its similar to getting rolled in a dark ally by a couple of roadhouse bouncers taking out their frustrations on your back. But man do you feel better the next day.

Not surprisingly massage as a health practice has been around for thousands of years. It was actually massage that lead to the advent of acupressure and acupuncture in the Far East as early as 6000 BC and has been continually refined ever since.

Medical professionals have pointed out that there exists a particular type of cell under the skin. This cell normally sits dormant, however when kneaded or massaged, this cell becomes stimulated. Once awakened, this cell enters the bloodstream and develops into a reticular cell, which can remarkably strengthen the body's immune functions and boost the disease-resisting abilities of the human body.

Todays massage chairs, through computer technology, can actually sense the size and shape of each individuals back and apply varying degrees and types of massage to acupressure points on the users back, neck, legs and even foot to produce an amazingly human like massage.

Stimulation of these acupressure points has been shown to help with: Digestion, Insomnia, Headaches, Circulation, Fatigue, Muscle Cramping, Fibromyaligia and may even effect endorphin levels producing an elevated emotional state, which is what usually happens when I get a massage, even a poor one.

Having tried several of the massage chairs found on the above internet site I can say that this new massage chair trend is probably here to stay. Its much like the TV, microwave and now cell phones. Once you have one, its hard to imagine life without it.

H.E.Scott is an entrepreneur, artist, business owner and freelance writer for several online publications. This article may be published and or reproduced without change in its entirety with the authors permission. Site reviewed

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Would You Like to Add A Massage Chair to Your Home?

Massage chairs are a great way to relax. They offer the occupant a way to escape the stress of the day. These chairs have become widely available. There are many manufactures and many different styles, looks, features, and models available. To find the right one for you, you simply need to research a little. Purchasing a massage chair will be an expensive investment, so doing some homework will save you some money.

First, consider what you want out of your massage chair. Obviously you want a good chair massage, but many of these chairs offer more than just that. Other features include heat some even include an anti gravity mechanism. One very popular massage chair is the Ijoy massage chair. This massage chair has become one of the most popular among Americans. These chairs offer something called, "Human Touch" with sensors that resemble the feel of a massage given by a person including the rolling, kneading, tapping and compression.

Now that you are interested in purchasing a massage chair, you must think about what type you would like. You will also need to know how much you are willing to spend as well. Many of these massage chairs are expensive, but well worth it. You can find massage chairs in local malls and even in furniture sales shops. You can also research the multitude of choices you have on the internet, then, once you have found a few to try locate their local dealerships. This will give you a great idea of what you want, can afford, and like in a massage chair.

Massage chairs are awesome accessories to a home. Think about much you will look forward to coming home after a long days work, you muscles tense and sore to you relax them in your massage chair. These stylish and elegant pieces of furniture don't have to clash with your other furniture. They are versatile and can easily fit in. A massage chair also makes a great gift to a stressed loved one.

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Review of the Get-A-Way RMS-15 Massage Chair by Human Touch

This massage chair has effectively combined the function of a superior massage tool and the look of an attractive piece of furniture. It will cater to the most discriminating pain sufferer and interior decorator!. Only the finest of leather is used, covering a versatile and aggressive mechanical massage therapist.

This chair uses the reputable Human Touch technology, simulating a human massage therapist working the most tense area of your back. The massage track is curved with exaggeration, to follow the natural course of a healthy spine, therefore promoting proper posture – which, in turn, helps maintain normal disc space and joint health. From top to bottom, the massage track measures 27.5 inches, working from the base of your neck to your pelvis. Quad (4) rollers effectively relieve the most common areas of tension and pain, the width adjustment of the rollers allowing you to determine where the most intense ‘knots’ are located.

You can also inflate or deflate the air pressure in the back to customize the intensity according to your own sensitivity and preferences. The technology of the air pressure massage is one of the quietest in the industry.

With the ability to customize your own session with 5 different methods of massage, including kneading, compression, percussion, vibration, and combination variance (as well as being able to choose 3 different speeds) you feel satisfied that you are getting the massage you truly want. But to make things easy and carefree for you, there are also pre-set programs that allow you to just sit down and melt away your pain and stress with the press of a button. Each pre-set session is different yet still designed to relieve stress and pain most effectively according to the specific pattern it follows.

Reclining from 115 to 175 degrees, the massage rollers in the back will help stretch and traction, assisting to relieve pain and pressure in the low back, the most common area of back pain.

The separate ottoman is dual in its function, allowing for a comfortable foot rest, as well as a functioning massaging ottoman. The top manually opens to expose dual rollers on each side to comfortable place your calves or feet into for an invigorating massage. It is entirely separate from the chair, leaving no hazardous cords to trip over. But despite it being a separate piece, it is operated by satellite function using the same remote, eliminating the inconvenience of two remotes.

Other users can enjoy the ottoman as well, not just the person sitting in the recliner. So put this ottoman anywhere in the room, and perhaps offer your guest a comfortable foot massage while you enjoy a relaxing back massage, though it’s not likely you’ll want to share any part of your pampering!

The overall function of this chair is simple, eliminating confusing technology and excessive program variances. But in that respect, it is also limited by not containing as many bells and whistles that other chairs may have. So if you prefer to keep your life simple, at the same time getting cozy and being pampered, then grab the ergonomically slim, easy-to-use remote, and relax away.

Dr. Alan Weidner is the owner of, a website dedicated to the education and sale of massage chairs by Panasonic, Sanyo, Omega, and Human Touch. He graduated summa cum laude from Southern California University of Health Sciences in 1991.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Buy A Massage Chair - 7 Things To Consider When You Buy A Massage Chair

Whether you suffer from chronic back or neck pain, want to prevent injuries and discomfort, or are just looking for a really comfortable chair, a massage chair is a great way to go. Massage chairs and recliners relax, rejuvenate, and help prevent even the most stubborn pain and discomfort.

When you buy a massage chair there are a few important features to evaluate. Below are some of the most important features you should consider:

  • Types Of Massage - A high quality massage chair should deliver different types of massage. Calf massage is administered by mechanical or air devices in a 3-dimensional massage. Compression is a type of massage that combines strokes pushed firmly on the muscles along the spine and inward towards the spine. Full body stretch is when the calf massage mechanism gently holds the legs in place as the chair reclines to arch and stretch the back. Kneading is a circular movement that applies and releases pressure to the spine and neck. Percussion/tapping is when rapid movements are delivered up and down the spine. Usually the quicker the taps, the better the result. Reflexology is when pressure similar to thumb pressure is applied to the feet. Rolling is when build-in rollers in the chair move up and down the spine to help stretch back muscles and relieve pressure on spinal discs. Rolling is often used to help prepare back muscles for deeper massage.


  • Massage Delivery Mechanism - Massage chairs deliver massage in different ways. Some chairs use air pressure, vibration, and discs to administer massage. The highest quality chairs use flexible rollers. And generally the larger the roller, the more targeted the massage.


  • Personalization To Body Size And Shape - A good massage chair will adjust the height/width setting of the chair's massage devices to suite personal preferences. Usually this is controlled by a joystick or remote control. Some chairs even have scanning systems that map your body to determine areas where massage therapy is most needed.


  • Zero Gravity Recline - This is a technique that was developed by NASA to minimize force exerted on astronauts' spines during takeoff. In an upright position, either standing or sitting, gravity places pressure on the spine. This causes the discs to compress and muscles to contract to maintain balance. When gravity is neutralized, back muscles rest and the discs return to their normal size and shape. Zero gravity recliners extend the lower legs above the heart to achieve this neutralized gravity effect on the back.


  • Motor - As the number of chair features increases so does the stress placed on a chair's motor. It is important to consider the quality of a massage chair's motor as it can make a significant difference in performance and durability. Some chair have one motor to perform all of the functions the chair provides. Other chairs come with multiple motors, each of which performs specific functions.


  • Warranty - As with any major purchase, consider the warranty that is offered by the manufacturer. A manufacturer's warranty is often a sign of the manufacturer's confidence in their product. Also consider the return policy of the retailer from whom you buy the chair.


  • Design - And finally consider the chair's design. Your massage chair will no doubt be placed in a popular room in your home and you will want it to complement the existing decor. You will also want to ensure that the size and shape of the chair work with the layout of your room. Some chairs come with space saving features that allow for more options when deciding where to place the chair in your home. Learn about more features you should consider before buying a massage chair. Shawn McGee provides

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    Saturday, January 19, 2008

    How Can A Massage Chair Benefit Me?

    At fancy gadget stores, you’ll often find at least one massage chair waiting for you to test. Moms, kids, or just about anyone will take advantage of a free massage. For some, the new massage chairs even look like Darth Vader’s bathtub. But are they buying the chair? Why would anyone want to buy a massage chair when you can go to a masseuse and get a quality massage. There are some compelling reasons why one would get a massage chair.

    Massage chairs allow you to relax in your own home without any distractions. The main advantage of this would be the privacy provided with a massage chair. Sometimes individuals do not feel comfortable going to a masseuse or do not want to take off clothes to a stranger. By having the chair in one’s home, a person anxious about public massages would be able to feel more relaxed and comfortable.

    Massage chairs are pricey. They could cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to even over ten thousand dollars. Ostensibly, the cost is steep. But the cost is a one-time cost. Think about the cost of a masseuse in a nice spa or massage organization. Each individual massage could run you around $100. If you were to have a massage 15 times a year, you’ll be spending $1,500 a year. A nice massage chair could pay for itself in a few years. As long as the model is a good quality chair, you can expect the chair to be available for many years.

    You can also benefit by not worrying about making appointments to the masseuse. If all of the sudden you feel that your muscles are tightening or feel physically stressed, the massage chair is there for immediate use. The massage chair doesn’t make you wait. In fact, you’ll find that a lot of spas are booked on prime times. There could be some considerable work finding the right time to balance with your active lifestyle.

    Not all masseuses offer clients more than one style, such as Swedish or Shiatsu. In a lot cases, the masseuse is a specialist in one or a very few styles. Today’s massage chairs provide more than one style. Since the massage chair rollers can mimic almost any hand pattern, it can give you more than one type of massage style. Importantly, this is all dependent of the type of chair. But as more of these instruments become advanced, the chairs will offer limitless options.

    Physical benefits of massage chairs can match massages from a real person. You can benefit from back and neck relief, muscle loosening, better blood flow, fewer muscle spasms, improved back posture and much more.

    It also allows you to customize certain motions and patterns for a unique massage experience. You may not be able to do that with a massage therapist. Moreover, if you go to a spa, you may not get the same masseuse that provides the massage that you like. At least with a massage chair, you can count on getting the same type of massage that you enjoy.

    Massage chairs are a great way for individuals to enjoy massage with privacy, customization and greater flexibility. The chairs will allow you to benefit in many ways including a better physical body and lifestyle.

    Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Massage Chair

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    Knowing Your Massage Chair

    After a hard days work, sometimes you don’t have the luxury to go to a therapeutic masseuse to relieve aching muscles or stressed joints. But a good massage is available and waiting for you at home with a massage chair.

    What is a massage chair? The massage chair is a comfortable leather or comparable chair that can massage your body from head to toe. Like a masseuse, the massage chair is capable of providing various massage techniques such as Shiatsu and Swedish massage.

    Massage chairs are made of parts that can replicate hand motions of a masseuse. The heart of the massage chair is its motor. It serves as the power behind the nodes, rollers and adjustment functions. The motor must be running in order for the chair to massage you. For buyers, it’s important to have a good quality motor with a warranty. The life of your chair depends very much on the motor.

    Besides the motor, there are other essential pieces to the chair. The nodes and rollers are the parts that emulate the hands. They vary in size and provide more of the pinpoint specifics of massage. They can even target parts of the back or other body parts.

    Although the older models vibrate, today’s massage chairs provide more complex movements. A massage chair can knead, roll and recline. Kneading is a process of lifting tissue or pulling away of tissue. The kneading process for a massage chair is very similar. It replicates the hands rubbing the back and body.

    The massage chair provides a rolling motion as well. The rollers are essentially small wheels moving up and down on the back and spine. Most massage chairs come with at least eight rollers; some high as 18 rollers, depending on how elaborate the chair is. However, the effectiveness ultimately comes down to the quality and motion of the wheels. The wheels and motion will determine the type of massage that one will get.

    With newer models, seat adjustments are a standard. A person needs to feel comfortable first before he or she can enjoy the benefits of the massage. So the chair must be able to adjust to any shape and size to perform well. Moreover, chairs now have more joints and parts that can reach places on every part of your body like a real massage. Consider getting a massage chair with lots of different adjustments if you will have more people using the chair.

    Newer massage chairs provide options beyond just adjusting the chair. Massage chairs come with a remote that will allow you to set the speed and intensity of the massage or dedicate a massage to a specific part of your body. If you’re looking for a harder massage with faster motion, you can simply change the settings on the remote. Having problems with your lower back? The settings of most new massage chairs will allow you to focus the massage at the lower back.

    Massage chairs are complex pieces of machinery that can do a lot to replicate an actual massage. Since the chairs come in so many different forms, knowing how they work will help you find the right chair for you.

    Michael Russell
    Your Independent guide to Massage Chair

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    Discover Working With a Massage Chair

    Many people in the industry of massage work with a massage chair. Those that work with the chair are not usually giving a full body massages, but may be performing a hand massage or foot massage. These techniques are often used in offices or on street-sides, as the massage chair is portable and can be taken anywhere that a massage can be given.

    Trigger point therapy is often a practice that accompanies massage therapy. This may be performed in a massage chair in some capacities, especially if trigger point therapy is used on the feet, back of the neck, or hands.

    Quick Fact: There is evidence that massage was employed by the Chinese as early as 3000 years ago. Their literature contains treatises upon the subject written some thousands of years ago. An ancient Chinese book entitled, “The Cong-Fou of the Tao-Tse " of which a French translation appeared about a century ago, was the foundation of our modern massage.

    Thumb kneading is one of the techniques that people using a massage chair commonly use on their patients or customers. Thumb kneading works the muscles in a direct way, much like trigger point therapy, and enables full working of the muscles and joints because of the pressure generated from the thumbs. Thumb kneading is the most effective technique used to massage feet or hands.

    When people use thumb kneading, they typically make alternate thumb circles with their thumbs around the area. It is not uncommon to see a person making alternate thumb circles on the soles of someone's foot or in the palm of someone's hand. These circles aggressively work the muscles to provide relief by unlocking and releasing endorphins from the brain, which make people feel good and reduce pain.

    Did you know that according to the American Massage Therapy Association massage can reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation and lymph flow and improve range of motion.

    The use of a massage chair can be a way of making it easier on the masseuse to get at the feet or hands of the patient. Many people use both a massage table and a massage chair as a part of the whole massage experience. Having both a chair and table allows better access to various parts of the patient's body.

    Buying a massage chair is a great addition to any massage business. It can help provide more adequate and complete service to the customer and can help provide relief for his or her needs more effectively. A massage chair can truly change the course of a business directed towards comfort and customer satisfaction.

    To get more and information on how to use a

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    Friday, January 18, 2008

    Review Of Omega Massage's New 5000 Deluxe Massage Chair

    The M-5000 Deluxe massage chair by Omega Massage will leave you feeling like you have been spoiled silly. With all the features and benefits, plus an impressive array of bonuses, your greatest struggle with this chair will be getting out of it. The 5000 Deluxe is the flagship of Omega's brand new line of massage chairs, manufactured in Japan and assembled in China.

    Genuine premium Ox hide leather covers this chair beautifully to allow the softest, most comfortable seat in the house. In addition, an ergonomically designed dual headrest pillow accommodates for people with different body types, thus making the massage session more effective for that individual.

    When you sit down in this chair, the technology will scan your body shape and weight against the chair to customize the massage track length and roller width according to your own body type. With a massage track that strokes a 28 inch length, which is a few inches longer than the average human spine, you will get your body worked from your neck down to your pelvis. An issue I have with a lot of other massage chair recliners is that they don’t massage the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of your spine and between your pelvic bones, in the back), which is a common area of complaint for low back pain sufferers.

    Because this chair scans your specific body type, you cannot specify a lower or higher shoulder height if your determined height does not suit your preferences of the area that needs the massage most.

    In addition to the basic massage feature of working up and down your back, the Omega M-5000 Deluxe will also work your neck and shoulders, relieving common fatigue and pain most commonly found in people that do computer work or stationary work. The auto feature of this massage technique allows for a precise pinpoint treatment to those common ailments.

    And as the massage works its way down your back, it also works your waist and low back more effectively. Many massage chairs tend to miss this area, or cannot effectively work this region. But low back pain is the most common reason people see a Doctor for back pain, and is estimated that 4 out of 5 people will deal with low back pain at some point in their life. That’s practically every person. The targeted pressure points from this feature are effectively relieved, allowing stress and tension to dissipate from that region of the back, leaving you feeling improved and relieved of this most common low back symptom.

    You can also recline this chair from 115 to 175 degrees to really sink into the chair. The seat of the chair is not considered ‘oversized’ so as the chair reclines, the seat space is minimized. This chairs design overall is not accommodating to larger people, with the measurements and technology only suiting a person 200 lbs or less.

    With a total of 6 rollers and 5 pre-set sessions to work your back, neck, shoulders, and waist/low back- it seems enough of a chair at that. But that’s not all. The Omega M-5000 Deluxe also works your thighs, buttocks, calves, and feet.

    3D Air Pressure for the lower body is customizable for your tolerance, as well as 2 pre-set programs for the calves and feet to effectively use reflexology and pressure points to relieve common symptoms of fatigue and stress in the lower body. Nodules in the feet are utilized when the air bags are activated, stimulating acupressure points. No other massage chair uses both air and nodules in this area as effectively together.

    Omega chairs boast the use of Japanese-made parts, which are assembled in China, instead of Chinese or Taiwanese parts that have a reputation of wearing out quicker. The ratio breakdown using cheaper components is the primary reason that chairs need repair or maintenance work.

    With extra features like a pop-up tray on the side of the c hair for convenience, a holder for the remote to keep it still accessible, an MP3 player that is compatible with windows 2000/XP and headsets, all of these features are added for the same reason: To increase your ability to relax, therefore maximizing the benefit of a massage for overall health and a stress free life.

    The only “knock” against the Omega 5000 DLX, if you can call it that, is that it is a relatively new chair, not as well known as the Interactive Health or Panasonic massage recliners. But, to put your mind at ease, Omega offers a whopping 5-year warranty, unparalleled in the massage chair industry. By the way, the warranty also includes a 90-day in-home service warranty the minute your chair is up and running in your home or office.

    Dr. Alan Weidner graduated in 1991 from Southern California University of Health Sciences and owns www.massage- His website offers massage chair recliners by Panasonic, Sanyo, Omega, and Interactive Health.

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    A Massage Chair Is A Way To Experience Deep Relaxation

    Massage chairs have attained immense fame among millions of people across the world. In fact, these chairs can be referred to as the revolution in the field of massage therapy. These lounge chairs with built-in vibrators are considered as awesome therapeutic devices by experts in this field. Anyone can benefit from the features these chairs come with.

    Here are some of the benefits you can experience with the purchase of a massage chair recliner.

    a) Stress release and relaxation: This is something most people are looking for. With the kind of hectic lifestyle we lead due to the pressure of work and maintenance of lifestyle it is true that most people suffer from stress and tension. A massage chair recliner can solve this problem. With the help of a massage chair recliner, one can easily experience deep relaxation and stress release. Just recline on this chair for sometime and you will fall asleep.

    b) Pain relief: Backaches and neck pain are very common these days. Most of the body aches and pains arise due to tension in the muscles. Some soothing touch or massage given to muscles can easily remove these common aches. A massage chair will be of great help in this regard.

    c) Enhanced lymph flow and blood flow: Blood and lymph are responsible to flush out the toxins from your body. Vigorous muscle movement can enhance harmful toxin removal process in the body; thereby affecting blood pressure. A massage chair can do all for you.

    d) Reduced muscle spasm: A massage chair offers the same benefits as you would experience after having a good massage from a licensed therapist. You will get great relief from stiffness and tightness in the muscles and spasms will vanish.

    e) Enhanced endorphin levels: Endorphins are known to be natural pain relievers of the body. A massage therapy is a wonderful way to increase the body’s endorphin levels. A massage chair is extremely helpful in this regard.

    f) Enhanced healing: A massage chair enhances blood flow, thereby increasing oxygen transport to your body tissues. Oxygen is vital for healing process in the body. A powerful massage via a massage chair will help you heal better and quicker.

    g) Enhanced posture: People suffering from muscles skeletal pain have poor posture. This posture can be devastating for bones, support muscles and ligaments. This posture can be effectively reversed by a massage chair session. The session will help you stand straighter.

    h) Feeling of well-being: A session in your massage chair can help you develop a general feeling of well-being. This in turn, enhances blood and lymph flow, posture of your body, muscle function and endorphin levels.

    Purchasing a massage chair can provide you a healthy body and general feeling of well being. However, you should be very careful prior to purchasing a massage chair. The best massage chairs are made of vinyl and other synthetic materials. It can handle constant motion of massage. Understand the warranty policy on the chair prior to purchasing one. Visit a reputed dealer and go in for a research prior to purchasing this chair. brings you the latest on massage. Massages are gaining in popularity, and we want to bring you up to date information! Be sure to check out our latest information page on massage chair.

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    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    10 Things You Absolutely Must Consider Before Buying Your Massage Chair (Part II)

    In Part I of this article, I discussed the many features you should consider when buying a massage chair, as well as the durability aspect of your new massage chair. Let’s get on with the remaining 7 “Absolute Musts” to consider when looking into a new massage chair recliner.

    #3. Ease of Repair – because of the weight and bulk of a massage chair, simple repairs become a real bother when you have to ship an entire chair back to the manufacturer just to repair something as simple as a tear in the material. For this reason, I suggest looking into a chair that is constructed with a modular design. This makes repair cheap and easy. If a part is broken or material is torn, the modular design will allow you to isolate the damaged part and send it off for repair so much easier and cheaper than sending off the whole chair.

    #4. Customer Service – As far as I am concerned, this is probably the most important thing of all. If something does happen to your chair or if you are concerned about any function of your chair, it is so great to have a company that is always available to answer your questions. This puts your mind at ease and you can't put a price on that. So, make sure that whatever chair you buy has a good company backing it up. Whether that is the manufacturer, the seller, or want peace of mind right from the start of your relationship with them.

    #5. Price – Even the cheapest massage chair still costs hundreds of dollars, at a minimum…they are not cheap. You will need to invest quite a bit of money to get a new chair you can count on. Prices, however, do not need to be sky-high. Depending on the features you want and/or need, prices can range anywhere from $1000 - $6000. Quite a spread, isn't it? Well, you can get a chair with all the necessary massage therapy features for between $2000 - $3000. If you want real leather vs. man-made leather, an MP3 player, a USB port, or headphones, etc., of course you will pay for those extras. But for the basic features of massage therapy, you do not need to overspend. By the way, when you compare the price of your chair to regular visits to a massage therapist or chiropractor, over time the price of the massage chair is far less than what you'd pay out for all those therapy visits.

    #6. Money Back Guarantee – Does your retailer back up the sale of your new massage chair with at least a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee? If not, then you need to be a little skeptical. This is a red flag. This goes back to customer service (#4). They MUST stand behind their product. How else can you feel good about your purchase if it's not backed up by the seller? Some companies even offer 60 or 90 day money back guarantees!

    By the way, it is standard policy for virtually every massage chair retailer/distributor that you are responsible for shipping and freight back to the seller if you do decide to return your chair. Shipping, by the way, can cost anywhere from $150-$400.00…it isn’t cheap!

    #7. Adjustable to Different Body Sizes - I have seen some chair companies that offer "sizing" for a chair. With some product lines that may be necessary, but with a well-manufactured chair, height and width adjustments are standard and can cater to virtually every body type. Some chairs now even come with a detached ottoman so that the chair can cater to a 6’10” person as well as a 5’4” person.

    Most chairs will handle up to 300 pounds of body weight. If you are buying your new massage recliner for a very heavy person, make sure that you get the maximum weight allowance for the chair you are interested in.

    #8. Remote Control – Virtually every new massage recliner comes with a remote control of some sort to make chair adjustments. Some remotes come with large and fancy displays, but as long as it adjusts the features of the chair, it doesn’t really matter how large or small it is or how high-tech it looks.

    #9. Appearance - this might sound goofy or vain, but I want my chair to blend in comfortably and seamlessly with the room décor of my home or office. Don't compromise on looks for price! You're going to have to look at that chair everyday for as long as you've got it. You don't want to be sitting in a chair you think is so ugly that it creates stress. Especially when you are using your new massage recliner for stress relief!

    #10. Satisfied Customers - A salesperson will tell you everything you want to hear to get you into his/her chair. What do real and actual clients think about the massage chair you are considering? Are their testimonials for you to hear or read? If you ask him for a list of some folks who have purchased their chair and you get no! I will trust another buyer, just like me, before I'll trust someone trying to sell something to me. Testimonials should be on every seller's website or literature.

    Now you have 10 things that should help you make a more educated buying decision when considering your new massage chair.

    Dr. Alan Weidner is the owner of, a website dedicated to the education and sale of massage chairs by Panasonic, Sanyo, Omega, and Interactive Health. He graduated summa cum laude from Southern California University of Health Sciences in 1991.

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    Sunday, January 13, 2008

    10 Things You Absolutely Must Consider Before Buying Your Massage Chair (Part I)

    The massage chair recliner has fast become a great substitute for traditional therapy that most folks will consider when suffering from back pain, neck pain, buttock pain, headaches, and even leg pain and stress.

    The vast majority of folks that are looking for a massage chair are experiencing all or some of these symptoms. Massage chairs have been proven to do wonders for each one of these conditions. As a matter of fact, many of my patients that have purchased a massage chair have needed our clinic less and less for treatment of these common maladies.

    Some folks just want a nice massage chair that looks good in their living room or office so that they can relax and just listen to their surround sound movie or music system. That's great too!

    But if you are considering investing in a massage chair recliner, there are some things you need to consider before buying. What I'm about to tell you will give you exactly what you need and want to know. It's not just as simple as sitting in a chair to know if a model is good or not. There are a lot of "behind the scenes" things that this report will point out to you that will help make your buying decision easier. You've thought of some of them, like price and looks, but I will cover a bunch of things that have probably never occurred to you. This article is designed to make things clearer for you before shelling out your hard-earned money.

    So, what do you absolutely need to know before buying a chair? Since they cover quite a lot of information, we will only discuss the first 2 things that you will need to consider. #3-10 will be discussed in Part II of this topic.

    #1. Features - The old massage chairs only provided vibration. Well, today's chairs should offer the following:

    Kneading – also known as "shiatsu", kneading rolls outward from the spine and feels much like 2 hands alternately rubbing your back. This is why it is said that massage chairs mimic the hands of a licensed massage therapist…kneading is the reason for the comparison.

    Percussion/Tapping – this is the light "karate chopping" on a client's back that you’ve probably seen before on TV. Well, that's what this feature imitates. Increased blood flow and muscle stiffness relief is the benefit gained. It feels wonderful.

    Rolling - in our clinic, we have a $2800.00 table that patients lie on, called a "roller table." Basically, wheels just roll up and down the muscles on either side of your spine. Here are the benefits: 1.) gentle moving of the spinal bones, and 2.) stretching of the spine and the muscles around it. Patients love it...and the roller table only rolls! Your massage chair should do so much more than just roll (and for a lot less money!).

    Foot and calf massager - many of the new chairs have an attached ottoman that has a calf and foot massage feature administered by an airbag system. This feature is a real "must", especially if you spend a good portion of your day on your feet.

    Full recliner – if you want your massage to be as deep as possible, you need to get a chair that has a reclining feature. And the further back the recline, the greater the intensity of the massage. The reclining uses your body weight to make the massage deeper. A lot of chairs don't recline much farther than 135º. You will want 170 degrees or more for the more intense massage option (by the way, the further back your chair reclines, men, the more it imitates a bed...especially important if you're ever forced to sleep on the couch!!).

    #2. Durability – a well built chair should give you many, many years of wonderful problem-free pleasure. Even though you most likely can't know how good a motor is or how well built the chair really is, there are some other ways to know if a chair is a workhorse and is going to last a while:

    Warranty – a longer warranty will give you greater confidence initially when looking for a chair. You want a company that stands behind their chairs and what greater way to show that than by a warranty. But, beware of long warranties that are so limited that if anything goes wrong there are so many loopholes to not cover your chair that it is as if you had not warranty at all.

    Reputation – is the manufacturer of the chair well-known? Are they easily accessible if there ever is a problem? How can you tell? A toll-free customer service phone number to the manufacturer would be great. The length of time in business is probably a good indicator of how good the manufacturer is. Does the chair/company have any professional endorsements?

    New vs. Used - there are a lot of used chairs out there, but just like a used car, you never quite know what you are getting. You can bet the warranty has expired, but you have no idea how the previous owner treated the chair. Who knows...maybe it was in a home that had kids jumping on it like a trampoline (that's exactly what happens in my home!).

    Dr. Alan Weidner is the owner of, a website dedicated to the education and sale of massage chairs by Panasonic, Sanyo, Omega, and Interactive Health. He graduated summa cum laude from Southern California University of Health Sciences in 1991.

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    What Is a Shiatsu Massage Chair?

    A shiatsu massage chair is an electric massage chair that uses ball type, roller mechanisms to simulate an actual shiatsu massage. To understand how these chairs work we must first understand what shiatsu massage is.

    Shiatsu is a Japanese word that literally means "finger pressure". Shiatsu Massage involves the use of fingers, thumbs, and palms, to apply continuous pressure to certain pressure points. These pressure points are often referred to as "trigger points".

    Trigger Points


    Trigger points are cause by injury or overused bands of muscle fibers. These muscle fibers tighten to form "knots". Trigger points can be very sensitive to touch and can also cause muscle tension and a shortening of the muscle. Shiatsu massage applies focused pressure on these areas to release tension and the "muscular waste" buildup.

    Shiatsu Massage Benefits


    Shiatsu massage is often referred to as acupressure, not to be confused with acupuncture therapy where needles are used. The idea behind this type of massage therapy is to realign muscles and unblock your inner energy source or "qi" for total well-being. Major benefits include:


    • Reduce blood pressure
    • Helps reduce mental anxiety
    • Reduces body tension and stress
    • Helps reduce swelling in injuries
    • Reduced muscle spasm and tension
    • Releases toxins from the body
    • Increase blood and lymph circulation
    • Increased endorphin levels
    • Improve joint flexibility and range of motion
    • Deep muscle and tissue relaxation
    • Faster healing from pulled or strained muscles and ligaments
    • Promotes deeper breathing
    • Balances core energy source


    If you desire to experience any of the benefits mentioned above, consult a shiatsu massage therapist. You can also purchase a shiatsu massage chair that will allow you to enjoy these benefits at your own pace, on your own schedule, in the comfort of your home. These chairs are a great alternative to the real thing.

    For more information please visit our Massage Chair Info page or Massage Chair Reviews.

    Massage your brain with more information about massage chairs at Check out our massage chair reviews, popular brands, and helpful resources.

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    Friday, January 11, 2008

    Are You Injuring Yourself With Massage Chair?

    Massage is such a pleasure experience. Swedish research shows that hand massage can stimulate oxytocin secretion. This hormone helps to reduce pressure, eliminate fear and reduce pain.

    However, did you know many people injured their body with massage? Remember these precautions before going for massage.

    Who's your masseur?

    A doctor said one of his patients suffered from vertebra fracture. Actually, a masseur accidentally injured his back bone during a massage therapy!

    Usually the lumbar vertebra complaint is also accompanied with osteoporosis. Once we met a patient who had been wrongly massaged. Later, he suffered from paralysis.

    From these cases, you know you must be careful in choosing the right masseur. Apart from that, those with cardiovascular diseases must be careful as massage may cause stroke.

    Proper Pressure

    "It's not that if you feel more pain, it's more effective", said Juan Wen Ren, President of Taiwan Physiotherapists Association.

    Mr Juan reminded that massage chair sold in the market must be cautiously used. For example, long term usage of massage chair may cause hardening of blood vessels in diabetes patient.

    Dr. Xie Lu Lan from Xinguang Hospital in Taiwan said that some people are not suitable to use massage chair. Examples are people with

    • soft skin
    • diabetes
    • hardening of blood vessels

    If they use massage chair for more than 30 minutes, internal bleeding may even occur. Remember the following massage precautions before you go for massage.

    Special body part


    • Neck: Avoid massaging front neck
    • Stomach: Over pressure may cause gastrointestinal function disorder

    Special time

    • Pregnancy period: Over stimulating may cause shrinking of uterus that affects the baby or even cause miscarriage
    • Menses period: Some accupoints will cause shrinkage of uterus that affects internal bleeding.
    • After surgery: Those who are weak must avoid massage. Avoid infection in the scar.

    Special disease

    Avoid massage if you have:

    • Osteoporosis
    • Serious tumor
    • Serious mental disease
    • Acute inflammation
    • Skin ulceration
    • Cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and high blood pressure

    Special condition

    Do not massage:

    • within half an hour after meal
    • when you're drunk due to alcohol drinking (Easily vomit)
    • when you're too hungry or tired

    Appropriate massage makes you feel great. However the wonderful feeling only lasts for one to two days. So think twice before you buy a massage chair.

    Imagine you can have risk-free massage therapy inside your body with more health benefits. Find out how at

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    Could A Massage Chair Help My Aching Back?

    Yes, a massage chair could help your back considerably, as the rollers built into the chair can actually relieve tension and loosen the muscles by stretching them.

    This can amazingly ease soreness and stiffness and do so in a very short time. Most people find a pleasant rejuvenating effect from sitting in a massage chair for even 15-30 minutes. These chairs can cost from about $700 to $5000, but most feel they are well worth the money.

    Spending thousands for a massage chair is economical, especially if the alternative is lots of money on massage therapists. Massage chairs can be small with just a few different programs or they can be the more expensive models with as many as 8 programs plus an extensive manual operation. Both preprogrammed and manual operations are usually controlled on a remote, which is very easy to use.

    Having a massage chair at home where you can use it every day to relieve tension and soothe aching muscles could be one of the best investments you make.

    You can choose operations on the remote for stretching, compression, kneading, rolling and sometimes tapping. Some say it feels like a massage therapist is working you over.

    Stretching muscles by having a chair roll and knead across your body is a great way to ease soreness and sometimes even relieve spasms, as well as stress and tension.

    Massage chairs today can be very high tech products that truly improve mobility and posture making you more productive at work and play and actually rejuvenating your whole body. I use mine every day.

    For 10 years I have been an ergonomic consultant and have been helping people achieve a better back. I hope you like the articles and will click on the ads, which are full of good information about helping achieve a better back. Working in this field has taught me a great deal about the causes, treatments, and products which can help one have a better back and/or neck, shoulders, etc. In this blog I hope to learn from you, as well as give you the benefit of my years of helping people help themselves to get and maintain a better back.

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    Wednesday, January 9, 2008

    Effective Massage In A Massage Chair

    Most people have never used a massage chair and have no idea how they function. They have been around for years and are very sophisticated machines in the form and shape of an arm chair. Many of them are produced in Japan. It is really great to just sit in the chair and get the massaging.

    Inside the chair there are a number of motors, often 4-6, and a computer program that runs the program you choose. The whole body can be massaged within 20 minutes, sometimes less and sometimes more.

    What kind of massage can you get? Let me give you some examples.

    Air arm massage is a feature on some massage chairs. This is especially great to relieve weariness from the arms which are working restlessly for operation of a personal computer or a cellular phone, during works, domestic chores, leisure and so forth. The air massage mechanism is provided on the armrest and it will move naturally with the change of the body angle caused by the reclining movement. In this way the stiffness and strains in the wrists and back of hands will be relaxed thoroughly.

    Depending on how the backrest is set, the function of the arm massage will work differently. The backrest can be in an upright position, slightly reclined and completely collapsed.

    The air massage option is also available for the lower part of your legs. It massages with repeating cycles of compression of the muscles in an oblique direction and releasing. This stimulation assist an important function, to return the blood to the heart.

    As the shape and form of our bodies differ it is vital for a good massage chair to have the option the adjust for that. Now there are chairs that automatically scans the persons body and use the data collected to change the tools, often small wheels that role and push, inside the massage chair.

    Movements of hands and whole arms are reproduced to realize complicated and stereoscopic kneading up and kneading down massage. There are even more complex functions added in some programs of a massage chair. For example a function that combines the stretch massage, which resembles pressing with hands to push up first and then down, with the simultaneous application of the kneed, tapping and wavelet.

    The most common functions of massage chairs are vibrations in the seat and backrest. Pleasant intermittent vibrations can be enjoyed simultaneously with the massaging. It promotes blood circulation and relieves strain from muscles.

    What is the price of a massage chair? As always it depends on the functionality you want but prices range from just over $1,000 USD up to $8,000 USD. Many companies buy or rent a chair and have it for the personal. This is appreciated as a very efficient way to help the staff to stay healthy. There are studies showing that the number of sick-days will go down considerably when the massage chair has been installed.

    An usual effect when a new chair is installed is that people will line up and try the massage. A schedule is almost always required and many use it frequently to get rid of the problems a stressful work situation sometimes creates.

    Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews. A related resource is Massage Chairs Further information can be found at Tips & News.

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    Buy Your Own Massage Chair

    The massage chair was first available in the late 1980’s. They were used to simulate the techniques and motions that were used by a masseuse. The objective of the chair is to relieve stress or tension or improve back pain. Most massage chairs were so expensive back in the 80’s that hardly anyone had one. Now, the cost of production has gone down extremely well and now almost anyone can purchase a massage chair. The price range for a massage chair is from a couple hundred dollars to a couple thousand dollars.

    When it comes to the massage that you should expect from your massage chair, you should either expect a Swedish massage or a Shiatsu massage. Shiatsu involved adding pressure in a sweeping, patting, or rotating movement and it will focus on having tension or stresses released as well as improve your circulation. If you want to improve your circulation, Shiatsu is the way to go. Since it can improve circulation, you will find that it will benefit your muscle structure as well as your internal organs too. As for the Swedish massage, you will find that it proves long, gliding strokes and kneading motions. It has the most effect when it comes to improving circulation and it will help your muscles to relax too.

    When it comes to purchasing a chair you have several options available to you. You can have chairs that have about two or four rollers for the back legs and arms and the actual chair will adjust to the person whom is sitting in the chair so that it can detect the acupressure points to work on. Acupressure points come from the practice of Acupuncture and the art of acupuncture believes that there are certain pressure points in the body that controls certain aspects of the body.

    This is a very expensive type of chair but will deliver a high quality massage. Some chairs will even memory the routine that was used so that you can get the same massage and quality time and time again. This type of chair is not for a normal sized room and is a leather-covered chair. However there are other types of chairs that are more affordable and smaller.

    You will find that you have so many options when it comes to the actual chair, but what can the chair do for you? You have three major benefits from the using a chair and they are: increase in circulation, improvement in mobility and decrease in stress and tension levels, and the fact that your body will release endorphins. By improving your circulation, you are allowing your body to begin to function healthy again because it will help with the absorption of nutrients.

    You can read more about Massage Chairs on

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    Sunday, January 6, 2008

    Massage Chair - A Perfect Solution Against Moderate Pain

    Massage chairs are nice to have if you feel the wear and tear of the daily grind. A massage chair might not benefit you as a pain reliever, but it can temporarily relieve your pain because they usually combine massage with heat. Heat is a temporary pain reliever.

    Studies have shown that massage therapy could reduce lower back pain, depression and anxiety for certain people. It was also found that more people are seeking the help of massage therapy instead of going to a doctor for medication. Health professionals are even offering massage as a solution to some pain and relax the muscles to improve movement. The only thing is that massage is only for moderate pain, if you are in excruciating pain you should seek medical attention right away.

    The reason why people are turning to massage chairs is because of the fact that is can be hard to find a good massage therapist and so the alternative is by using a massage chair. There are really only three major benefits of massage therapy. First, you will have improved blood circulation. By massaging the muscles, the blood flow will increase and that will help with circulation and absorption of nutrients into the blood, muscles, and tissues. Along with the increase in blood flow, massage also allows the body to release the toxins that are in the lymphatic system. Secondly, it will improve mobility and decrease your stress and tension levels.

    A massage or massage chair will relax your muscles and because you’re not so tight, you will notice stress or pain go away. Lastly, massage chairs will allow the body to release endorphins that make you feel good. It will relieve you of your depression and make you feel “high”, much like exercise. The release of endorphins will also help with your anxiety, reduce pain, and recover from any colds or illnesses.

    Before you purchase your massage chair you want to do some of the following. You should seek the advice of a professional before buying a massage chair if you have any of the following: infectious skin disease, rash, unhealed wounds, had surgery, if you use blood thinners, have varicose veins, inflected or swollen injuries, damaged or bleeding tissue, recently had chemo or radiation therapy, or if you have osteoporosis.

    The way a massage chair work is to recreate one of the two types or techniques known as Shiatsu or Swedish massage. Shiatsu is where pressure is added in sweeping, patting, or rotating movements. It is used to release tension and restore blood circulations. Swedish massage has long gliding strokes and kneading motions and is the technique is used to restore circulation and allow the entire body to relax and revive.

    You can read more about Massage Chairs on

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    Put Yourself at Ease With A Massage Chair

    What can you do to relieve stress at home? We live in a world where stress is a part of day-to-day life. Though massages are a great stress reliever, they can be very expensive. One option that can be cost effective and helpful is the purchase of a massage chair. A massage chair can be a great way to relax in the evenings or to loosen up in the mornings before heading off to work.

    If you do decide that a massage chair is something you want to get to help with stress relief, then there are a few things you should consider, but the first is probably cost. Massage chairs, depending on the model and functionality, can vary in price from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. The more expensive ones will offer actual deep massage with mechanical “fingers” that work the muscles in your back and even your legs sometimes. The less expensive models often just vibrate, but will do so in patterns or regions to create a relaxing feel. Which type you purchase will likely depend on your needs and your budget.

    The next thing you should consider, no matter which type of massage chair you purchase, is the warranty. Remember that a massage chair is a machine with moving parts so there are more things that can go wrong. When it comes time to purchase your chair, be sure to ask about warranty. Many of the massage chair manufacturers will actually offer extended warranties. It is something you should really think about because if the massage part of the chair breaks, there is little use for the chair. Warranty is a way to protect your investment, so if you are going to buy an expensive chair, you want to protect your investment.

    So where do you go to get a massage chair? Massage chairs are actually available in a lot of different places as a result of their growing popularity. Specialty shops carry them as gift or novelty items. You can find them at most furniture or recliner stores. Most will have them in their own section with models available for you to try out. The other place you might look is on the internet. Many manufacturers of massage chairs may offer online retail outlets with special online pricing. No matter where you go to get your chair in the end, make sure you do your homework. When it comes to spending the amount of money that you will likely spend on a massage chair, it is always best to look around and make sure you are getting the best deal you can.

    Life can be and often is stressful for us all. We constantly search for ways to relieve that stress within the framework of our lives. A massage chair can certainly help that. You can use it when you get home at night to unwind and perhaps as a way to loosen up in the morning. So shop around to make sure you get the best deal around, and find the massage chair that works best to make your life a little easier.

    If you would like to find more of my personal articles on relaxation please check out my health website!

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    Thursday, January 3, 2008

    Massage Chair and other Massage Equipment for Today's Busy Lifestyle

    With today’s busy lifestyle, many harried commuters don’t have the time to enjoy an hour long massage. Often, we feel that a massage appointment takes too much time away from work and family, so we don’t indulge. But how can we still receive the relaxing benefits of a massage without the time commitment?

    Massage chairs are a growing trend, and becoming more and more popular as technology improves and prices decline. First developed in the 1980’s, these home massage devices are evolving as quickly as technology will allow, and the market is booming. Massage chairs allow the user the benefits of a great massage in the comfort of their own home. Imagine getting home after a stressful day, kicking off your shoes and sinking into your favorite easy chair. Now add the enjoyment of massage and even heat at the touch of a button to your chair! Many of the newest models are fully programmable, and the massage can be completely customized to meet your individual needs and preferences.

    Some of the newer chairs even include massaging foot rests that massage your feet and calves as well. Great for those with jobs that keep them on their feet all day and people suffering from poor circulation. Massage chairs with massaging foot rests can range from just an extension of the chair to a unit that surrounds your calves and feet.

    For years, many people have used hand held massage devices to stimulate and soothe sore muscles. As technology advances, many of these units are now available with heat, infrared therapy and much stronger motors. Massaging chair pads are also available, to provide a comforting massage at work or in your car.

    No matter what your needs or preferences, there is a home massage device out there for you. Visit any electronics or specialty store and you will find many choices. Enjoy!

    Caroline Colby publishes information, tips and resources on Massage Therapy. Her site includes information on shiatsu massage, foot massage, massage techniques, massage oil, massage chairs and other massage equipment. For more details and latest news updates, please visit

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