Massage Chairs


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Massage Chair - A Perfect Solution Against Moderate Pain

Massage chairs are nice to have if you feel the wear and tear of the daily grind. A massage chair might not benefit you as a pain reliever, but it can temporarily relieve your pain because they usually combine massage with heat. Heat is a temporary pain reliever.

Studies have shown that massage therapy could reduce lower back pain, depression and anxiety for certain people. It was also found that more people are seeking the help of massage therapy instead of going to a doctor for medication. Health professionals are even offering massage as a solution to some pain and relax the muscles to improve movement. The only thing is that massage is only for moderate pain, if you are in excruciating pain you should seek medical attention right away.

The reason why people are turning to massage chairs is because of the fact that is can be hard to find a good massage therapist and so the alternative is by using a massage chair. There are really only three major benefits of massage therapy. First, you will have improved blood circulation. By massaging the muscles, the blood flow will increase and that will help with circulation and absorption of nutrients into the blood, muscles, and tissues. Along with the increase in blood flow, massage also allows the body to release the toxins that are in the lymphatic system. Secondly, it will improve mobility and decrease your stress and tension levels.

A massage or massage chair will relax your muscles and because you’re not so tight, you will notice stress or pain go away. Lastly, massage chairs will allow the body to release endorphins that make you feel good. It will relieve you of your depression and make you feel “high”, much like exercise. The release of endorphins will also help with your anxiety, reduce pain, and recover from any colds or illnesses.

Before you purchase your massage chair you want to do some of the following. You should seek the advice of a professional before buying a massage chair if you have any of the following: infectious skin disease, rash, unhealed wounds, had surgery, if you use blood thinners, have varicose veins, inflected or swollen injuries, damaged or bleeding tissue, recently had chemo or radiation therapy, or if you have osteoporosis.

The way a massage chair work is to recreate one of the two types or techniques known as Shiatsu or Swedish massage. Shiatsu is where pressure is added in sweeping, patting, or rotating movements. It is used to release tension and restore blood circulations. Swedish massage has long gliding strokes and kneading motions and is the technique is used to restore circulation and allow the entire body to relax and revive.

You can read more about Massage Chairs on

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